Profiling eight examples of innovation in non-profit housing in Ontario
The non-profit housing sector in Ontario is evolving every day. A changing legislative environment, the end of operating agreements, and new funding sources means non-profit housing providers are facing both challenges and opportunities. At the same time, housing providers are finding that they are housing individuals and families with increasingly complex needs.
Helping low- and moderate-income individuals find and keep secure, affordable housing, all while accessing the right mix of supports they might need to thrive and stay housed, is no simple task. But Ontario’s non-profit housing providers have been rising to the challenge.
When you look across the sector, you’ll find no shortage of examples of non-profit housing providers who are pioneering new approaches, forming unique partnerships, and finding creative ways to address the challenges their organizations, tenants and communities face.
ONPHA’s Innovations in Housing Stability profiles eight unique initiatives that have helped diverse low- and moderate-income people find, keep or enjoy a home that meets their needs – from Aboriginal families, seniors, and women leaving violence, to people experiencing homelessness or those dealing with mental health or substance use issues.
With support from the Province of Ontario, the research features compelling case studies, videos and a range of supporting resources to help shine a spotlight on the innovative work happening across the sector, and to support other housing providers in learning from their sector colleagues and adapting these approaches in their own communities.
Visit to learn more about the great work happening across the sector:
- Evolving and innovating: From a seniors’ housing provider in Sudbury who has consistently expanded to create a unique, connected community and offer a continuum of care, to an Aboriginal housing provider in London who returned to their core service roots by forming a new partnership.
- Partnering and collaborating: In Apsley, a partnership with the LHIN allowed a seniors’ housing provider to bridge the gap between independent living and long-term care. In Timmins, a multi-organizational partnership gives women fleeing violence a safe, secure place to rebuild their lives, beyond the typical six-week shelter stay.
- Creative problem-solving: Breaking down funding silos in Ottawa to provide better access to the right range of affordable and supportive housing. A Hamilton housing provider who found a series of creative solutions to retain their internal subsidy beyond the end of their operating agreements.
- Changing and rebuilding lives: In Ottawa, a residential managed alcohol program helps people dealing with alcoholism find support in a community where they can rebuild their health and their lives. In Niagara Region, partnering to provide a mix of supports helped senior tenants combat isolation and find meaningful connection while still living independently.
“Never give up. We’ve been told we can’t do things. But we did them, and in some cases they have become the standard.” – Finlandia Village, Sudbury
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