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20 1 6 WA I T I NG L I S T S S URV E Y R E POR T
Waiting list numbers as a proxy for need for affordable housing
RGI housing waiting lists are an imperfect measure of the need for affordable housing in Ontario.
Waiting lists do not capture every Ontario household that would qualify for RGI housing assistance,
only those who are aware that RGI housing is available, have chosen to apply, and have kept their
application up-to-date. Moreover, some households may be on more than one service area’s waiting
list, potentially biasing the waiting list totals for a region.
RGI housing waiting lists also do not include applicants for other forms of housing assistance, such
as supportive housing, affordable rental housing built under the Investment in Affordable Housing
Program, or homeownership assistance available under the same program. It is also important to note
that some households on RGI housing waiting lists are receiving a fixed-amount housing benefit or
time-limited assistance while there are on the waiting list.
Given these limitations, survey results should be viewed as only one indicator of the need for
affordable housing in Ontario. Others, such as Core Housing Need and Persistent Core Housing
Need, are also available.