2016 ONPHA
1–2:30 p.m.
105 Learning from each other:
RGI housing and social assistance
Provincial Ballroom South, second floor
The eligibility rules for social assistance and RGI
housing are both similar and sometimes very
different. This panel discussion will provide a
high-level overview of Ontario Works (OW) and
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP); a
comparison to eligibility rules for RGI housing; the
impact of income on RGI and social assistance;
examples of RGI tenants on OW or ODSP; and
best practices for communications.
Roberta Jagoe
, Policy Analyst,
Region of Durham's Housing Services Division
Charlene Jardine
, ODSP Manager, Ontario
Disability Support Program – London
Laura Simpson
, Housing Administrator,
Housing and Property Services Department,
Regional Municipality of Peel
Kim Verkuil
, Program Manager, St. Thomas -
Elgin Ontario Works
Pam Page
, Coordinator, Education Services,
ONPHA (moderator)
106 The balancing act: Integrating refugees
into the non-profit housing community
Wentworth, second floor
Finding an affordable home is difficult for many
families – but it can be especially challenging for
new refugees. How can we balance the housing
needs of refugees and people seeking asylum
with those of the rest of the population? What
are the unique barriers that these groups face,
and how can systems be improved to better
respond to their needs? A panel of experts
will address these and other questions in an
interactive, lively discussion.
Douglas Bartholomew-Saunders
Commissioner, Community Services,
Region of Waterloo
Mario Calla
, Executive Director,
COSTI Immigrant Services
Debbie Hill-Corrigan
, Executive Director,
Sojourn House
Debbie Douglas
, Executive Director,
Ontario Council of Agencies Service Immigrants
107 Managing rapid growth
within small organizations
Kenora, second floor
Both OCISO Non-Profit Housing Corporation and
Multifaith Housing Initiative recently experienced
large expansions in a short period that more
than tripled their organizations' number of units.
During this session, representatives from both
organizations will discuss operations, governance
and administration of small housing organizations
before and during a period of rapid growth. The
discussion will also touch on best practices in
preparing for this period and how to mitigate
potential issues before they occur.
Marie-Josée Houle
, Executive Director,
OCISO Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Suzanne Le
, Executive Director,
Multifaith Housing Initiative
108 Making connections, strengthening
tenancies: Creating partnerships
for success
Dominion Ballroom North, second floor
Connecting tenants with community services is
a common strategy for helping them to achieve
successful tenancies. How housing providers are
able to make those connections often depends
on the human and financial resources of their
organization and the community partners
around them. Join us to learn how large and
small organizations are working with tenants
and community-based supports to help create
successful tenancies. Presenters will explore
different partnership approaches, talk about
issues such as risk management and building trust
with tenants, and share the successful outcomes
their partnerships have helped create.
Angela Cooke
, Vice President,
Resident and Community Services,
Toronto Community Housing
Sulekha Jama
, Manager, Resident Access and
Support Services, Toronto Community Housing
Erin Mifflin,
Manager, Housing Services,
Halton Community Housing
Ron Shantz
, Executive Director, Chartwell Baptist
Community Homes Inc.
Jim Nason
, Director of Operations, LOFT
Community Services (moderator)