2016 ONPHA
1–2:30 p.m.
104 Get to know your housing programs
New to the Ontario non-profit housing sector?
This session provides the overview you need.
Learn basic information about the different
housing programs currently operating in Ontario,
including the
Housing Services Act, 2011
, Section
95 and 26/27 providers, the Investment in
Affordable Housing programs and more.
105 Learning from each other:
RGI housing and social assistance
The eligibility rules for social assistance and RGI
housing are both similar and sometimes very
different. This panel discussion will provide a
high-level overview of Ontario Works (OW) and
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP); a
comparison to eligibility rules for RGI housing; the
impact of income on RGI and social assistance;
examples of RGI tenants on OW or ODSP; and
best practices for communications.
Roberta Jagoe
, Policy Analyst,
Region of Durham's Housing Services Division
Charlene Jardine
, ODSP Manager, Ontario
Disability Support Program – London
Laura Simpson
, Housing Administrator,
Housing and Property Services Department,
Regional Municipality of Peel
Kim Verkuil
, Program Manager, St. Thomas -
Elgin Ontario Works
106 The balancing act: Integrating refugees
into the non-profit housing community
Finding an affordable home is difficult for many
families – but it can be especially challenging for
new refugees. How can we balance the housing
needs of refugees and people seeking asylum
with those of the rest of the population? What
are the unique barriers that these groups face,
and how can systems be improved to better
respond to their needs? A panel of experts
will address these and other questions in an
interactive, lively discussion.
Douglas Bartholomew-Saunders
Commissioner, Community Services,
Region of Waterloo
Debbie Hill-Corrigan
, Executive Director,
Sojourn House
Debbie Douglas
, Executive Director,
Ontario Council of Agencies Service Immigrants
1–2 p.m.
101 Mind the vacancy gap:
Peel Living’s 24-hour unit turnover
Peel Living has refined their unit turnover process,
reducing vacancy from three days to 24 hours.
With over 700 unit turnovers a year, this has led
to considerable savings and has greatly eased
the transition for incoming tenants. Discover the
strategies Peel Living has adopted from private
sector rental companies, and walk through their
turnover plan. Plus, delegates will learn the best
practices for finding rent-geared-to-income (RGI)
and market-rate tenants, and how to draft their
own 24-hour turnover plans.
Bruno Colavecchia
, Manager,
Residential Operations, Peel Living
Mary Jo MacCrae
, Manager, Resident Services,
Peel Living
102 Evaluating your ED: How board
members can develop and implement a
performance appraisal process
A recent study by CompassPoint revealed that
45 per cent of executives do not have an annual
performance review. Join the executive director
and board president of Options Bytown, a small
supportive housing organization, to learn how
they successfully implemented a performance
appraisal process with the help of volunteers.
This presentation is geared towards board
members and executive directors, who are
welcome to share their experiences and questions
with the group.
Lorraine Bentley
, Executive Director,
Options Bytown Non-Profit Housing Corporation
Natasha Poushinsky
, President,
Board of Directors, Options Bytown Non-Profit
Housing Corporation
103 From boiler room to boardroom:
How natural gas savings can boost
your bottom line
Sound capital investments are based on a well-
developed business case, and it’s a compelling
business case that gets key decision makers on
board. Ready to gain approval on your retrofit
project? Learn how to secure buy-in with a
persuasive presentation that showcases the wide
range of valuable incentives, attractive ROIs,
and payback scenarios that quickly make retrofit
projects a priority.
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