2016 ONPHA
409 Breaking the cycle: Helping women
succeed in community housing
Women experiencing homelessness and complex
addiction issues face tremendous challenges in
accessing and maintaining stable housing. They
often have frequent contact with the criminal
justice system, face removal of their children
and are considered frequent users of high-cost
emergency services. Mainstay Housing runs a
program to assist women with accessing quality
affordable housing, integrated housing and
clinical supports, and a rich basket of services
to help them achieve stable housing and an
improved quality of life. After three years, the
program resulted in 75 per cent of women
continuously housed in the same place, 85
per cent reduction in unplanned emergency
department visits, 100 per cent of women linked
to primary care and 50 per cent reduction in
social isolation. Learn how Mainstay implemented
this program and achieved such high success.
Katherine Salinas
, Manager, Tenant and
Member Services, Mainstay Housing
410 End of operating agreements: How to
prepare and evolve
The end of operating agreements (EOAs)
presents both challenges and opportunities for
non-profit housing providers. Are you EOA ready?
Explore the basics of planning and learn how to
best prepare for your organization’s EOA.
Gabriel Lawrence
, Finance Manager,
Ecuhome Corporation
12–1:30 p.m.
Wellness break
12:45–1:15 p.m.
Restore and rebalance your energy at our free yoga
break! Stretch, strengthen and recharge and leave feeling
refreshed and ready for the afternoon.
11 a.m.–12 p.m.
406 Get new stock now!
Limited new affordable rental housing has led
many communities to develop rent supplement
programs to meet the growing demand for
housing assistance. But is this the best use
of scarce resources? The Region of Peel has
purchased resale condominiums as an affordable
way to increase housing supply and provide
immediate relief to applicants. Discover why
the Region developed this strategy, how they’re
managing these new scattered units and what
lessons they’ve learned along the way.
Brett Barnes
, Advisor, Housing System
and Development, Region of Peel
Sue Ritchie
, Manager, Human Services,
Region of Peel
Laura Tribble
, Specialist, Housing and Property
Services Department, Region of Peel
407 Healthy housing, healthy people
The relationship between housing and health
is well known, but the provincial health and
housing systems don’t always work well together
to achieve successful outcomes. To improve
this dynamic, the North East Local Health
Integration Network (North East LHIN), one of
the largest in Ontario, has consulted health and
housing stakeholders, the community sector and
northerners to develop an innovative health and
housing strategy for northeastern Ontario. Learn
more about the strategy, how it was developed
and the milestones that the North East LHIN
wants to achieve by 2019.
408 Engaging volunteers:
Creating a win-win-win
Last year, Ottawa Community Housing (OCH)
engaged over 1,000 volunteers to complete
maintenance and beautification projects in many
of their 160 communities. Volunteers are a much
valued ingredient in OCH’s formula for creating
vibrant communities where people want to live,
work and play, and they have valuable skills
and resources that can be accessed by housing
providers of all sizes. By understanding what
motivates volunteers and aligning with the needs
of your communities, you can create a win-win-
win for your organization!
Angela Begin
, Volunteer Engagement
Coordinator, Ottawa Community Housing