3–4:30 p.m.
604 Financial dashboards and ratios
Do you know how well your non-profit is
doing financially? Your organization’s financial
statements are a treasure trove of valuable data.
But what’s the best way to get at it? Dashboards
(graphical displays) and financial ratios are clear
and concise, financial reporting tools that both
small and large organizations can use to analyze
their key information. Non-profit staff and boards
will find this session invaluable as a way to
evaluate operating and financial performance.
Ven Giannantonio
, Director of Finance,
Ottawa Community Housing
Liza Gowe
, Finance, HR and Office Services
Coordinator, ONPHA
605 Securing the future: Investing
fundamentals for housing providers
Effective management of capital and other
reserves is more important than ever. Housing
providers have access to limited new financial
resources, and it is critical that financial staff
and board members are equipped with the
knowledge needed to make sound investments.
This session is designed to provide an overview
of investment concepts, including the different
types of securities, asset classes and investment
funds, as well as provide a better understanding
of investment approaches, risk and volatility.
Derek Ballantyne
, Chief Executive Officer,
Encasa Financial Inc.
606 Hoarding: A holistic approach
Hoarding is one of the most complicated
challenges faced by housing providers and their
tenants. Learn how to develop strategies for
intervention and support from an experienced
panel including a mental health worker, a housing
provider and the fire department.
Heather Brown
, Executive Director,
Toronto Cat Rescue
Richard Grotsch
, Manager,
Integrated Pest Management
James Hind
, Fire Inspector,
City of London Fire Department
Megan Phillips
, Owner, Program Coordinator
and Counsellor, Integrated Hoarding Response
3–4 p.m.
601 Unit inspections: How, when and why?
Unit inspections are important for preventative
maintenance and to ensure that your tenants
are following their leases. Learn the rules around
inspections, how to conduct them effectively and
what to do with the information you collect.
Emma Lander
, Coordinator, Member Services,
602 Creating a road map to affordable
housing development
Are you interested in developing new affordable
housing units? The City of Peterborough’s Road
Map for Housing Developers was created as
a step-by-step guide to assist inexperienced
property owners in developing multi-unit
residential properties, including creating a
business plan, various methods and style of
design/construction, the process and phases
of work, funding sources and more. Discover
how Peterborough’s Road Map can help drive
the creation of more affordable housing in your
Craig J. Adams
, C.E.T., rcsi,
Capital Planning Analyst, City of Peterborough
Katherine Blackwood
, CertCIH(Can),
AIHM, Property Management,
Kawartha Participations Projects
603 Lining up the ducks: Energy, occupant
satisfaction and environmental
performance in affordable multi-unit
residential buildings
This presentation will introduce the concept
and benefits of Post-Occupancy Evaluation
(POE) as applied to affordable housing projects
implementing low-energy and sustainable
design features. Hear firsthand experience from
a housing provider that has recently completed
a POE on a new affordable housing multi-unit
residential building (MURB), and learn how POE
help you make informed design improvements
and benefit your organization.
Thomas Green
, Senior Researcher, Sustainable
Housing Policy and Research, Canada Mortgage
and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Raymond Sullivan
, Executive Director,
Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation
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