2016 ONPHA
8:30–10:30 a.m.
305 Expect the unexpected: Working with
tenants and their families
City Hall, second floor
Learn how landlords should prepare for the
unexpected (e.g., death of a tenant, mental
health crisis). Using case studies, this session
will cover: a landlord’s role and responsibilities;
best practices when working with tenants, their
families and/or support agencies; the role of the
Office of Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) and
how to engage local support services.
Robert Abbatangelo
, Senior Manager,
Housing Services, COTA Health
Lauren Blumas
, Lawyer, Iler Campbell LLP
Alice Radley
, Executive Director,
Physically Handicapped Adults' Rehabilitation
Association (P.H.A.R.A.)
TracyAnn Bethune
, Tenant Services Manager,
Nipissing District Housing Corporation
306 Re-framing complex policy issues
as solvable local problems
Wentworth, second floor
Learn how to move the conversation about
today’s complex housing challenges from
treating symptoms to mobilizing real change
within community systems. Using the issue of
vulnerable tenants as a case study, participants
in this workshop will practice problem finding
and framing using a systems approach, and
developing collaborative, practical opportunities
and solutions that are place-based and
Katie Ablett
, Senior Consultant, SHS Consulting
Adrienne Pacini
, Research and Policy Analyst,
SHS Consulting
Christine Pacini
, Partner, SHS Consulting
314 Running tour: Social housing at the
Tour meets at Queen Street entrance
Take an early morning run and explore social
housing in Toronto's vibrant Harbourfront
neighbourhood. First, run through Alexandra
Park to see how the revitalization is progressing.
Next, head south to check out a new Toronto
Community Housing building located in the
Railway Lands, and to explore a few other social
housing providers along with some City of
Toronto operated services, including an innovative
homelessness solution at Fort York Residence.
This tour will finish off back at the Sheraton
Centre Toronto. Total distance 7.1 km.
Jenn St. Louis
, Social Housing Consultant,
City of Toronto
Hugh Lawson
, Director, Strategic Planning
and Stakeholder Relations, Toronto Community
9–10:30 a.m.
307 Removing barriers for
greater accessibility
Dominion Ballroom North, second floor
Gain a greater understanding of people living
with disabilities. Explore a practical understanding
of accessibility barriers, physical and other, and
discover how your organization can proactively
remove such barriers to create a more accessible
space for your tenants.
Fran Odette
, Educator in social justice