310 Green energy efficiency and new
technologies in non-profit housing
Huron, second floor
Non-profit housing providers are increasingly
pursuing green energy options for their buildings
and introducing retrofits to reduce energy
consumption levels. While reducing costs and
benefitting the environment, these efforts
also demonstrate how non-profit housing can
be innovative and lead social change. Hear
from three housing organizations about the
investments they have made in energy efficiency
and green design, and how the results have
paid off.
Lisa Ker
, Executive Director, Ottawa Salus
Michael Ranger
, Project Manager,
Asset Management, Ottawa Community Housing
Jim Steele
, CEO, Windsor Essex Community
Housing Corporation
311 Reviews of decisions under the HSA
Provincial Ballroom South, second floor
Service managers are required to set up a system
under the
Housing Services Act, 2011
to handle
reviews of RGI-related decisions. Join a panel of
service managers (large and small) from across
the province to learn about their local review/
appeal process, what shaped their system, trends
or patterns in requests and how the system may
evolve in the future.
Carol Barber
, Programs Manager,
Housing Services, Cochrane District Social Services
Administration Board (CDSSAB)
Paul Chisholm
, Project Director,
Access to Housing, City of Toronto
Lisa Goodfellow
, Program Manager, Social
Housing, City of Ottawa
Roberta Jagoe
, Policy Analyst,
Region of Durham's Housing Services Division
Pam Page
, Coordinator, Education Services,
ONPHA (moderator)
9–10:30 a.m.
308 Adapting entrepreneurial models in
public housing
Dominion Ballroom South, second floor
The Province’s new Long-Term Affordable
Housing Strategy speaks to social housing
modernization and a vibrant non-profit sector
with a view that the non-profit/social housing
sector must evolve to become more business-
like and entrepreneurial. But does that mean
abandoning mission in favour of profitability?
Richard C. Gentry, president and CEO of the
San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC), would
say “absolutely not” and that both need to co-
exist. The challenge is selectively and effectively
adapting the practices of the private sector to
achieve social objectives. Come to this key session
to find out how Gentry has helped to transform
a public housing authority into a dynamic
progressive agency by optimizing the use of
public assets and subsidy to expand and improve
housing outcomes for San Diego’s needy families.
Richard C. Gentry
, President and CEO,
San Diego Housing Commission
Sharad Kerur
, Executive Director, ONPHA
309 How to provide individual choice
in supportive housing
Kent, second floor
Individual choice and control of support received
are increasingly common themes in Ontario social
policy. But how can we offer applicants choice?
Building on delegate feedback from the
2015 ONPHA Conference, the Toronto Mental
Health and Addictions Supportive Housing
Network has developed a model that will allow
applicants to choose the types of housing
assistance and support they need and connect
them with these services. Learn how this model
was developed and the difference it can make to
supportive housing.
Rochelle Goldman-Brown
, Executive Director,
Chai-Tikvah Foundation
Leslie McDonald
, Executive Director,
Habitat Services
Noel Simpson
, Executive Director,
Regeneration Community Services
Jean Stevenson
, Executive Director,
Madison Community Services
Brigitte Witkowski
, Executive Director,
Mainstay Housing