2016 ONPHA
9 a.m.–12 p.m.
312 Aboriginal housing planning session
Provincial Ballroom North, second floor
Join ONPHA’s Urban Aboriginal Housing Advisory
Committee for our annual interactive session on
Aboriginal housing in Canada. Beginning with a
smudge and blessing, this session will welcome
remarks from Kim Murray, Assistant Deputy
Attorney General Aboriginal Justice Division
at the Ministry of the Attorney General. Ms.
Murray, who is also the past Executive Director
of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of
Canada and Executive Director of Aboriginal
Legal Services of Toronto, will discuss housing,
safety and security. Updates will also be provided
on the Indigenous Housing Strategy discussing
priorities for Aboriginal providers in the context
of the LTAHS. There will be an opportunity for
collaboration and round-the-room discussion.
10 a.m.–12 p.m.
313 Bus tour: City building at Regent Park
Tour meets at Queen Street entrance
Tour the Regent Park community with Daniels'
Corporation Vice President of Development,
Remo Agostino, and leaders from Toronto
Community Housing's development team.
With nine active construction sites, 2016 will
be the biggest year yet in the transformation of
Regent Park. See the stunning Daniels Spectrum,
the Regent Park Aquatic Centre, as well as social
housing and market projects. Learn about the
strategy for building community and the roles
played by retail, destination venues, good roads
and lighting.
Remo Agostino
, Vice President, Development,
The Daniels Corporation
Michele McMaster
, Affordable Housing
Consultant, Canada Mortgage and Housing
Corporation (CMHC)
Coffee break
10:30–11 a.m.
Located near session rooms
Sponsored by The Daniels Corporation
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11 a.m.–12 p.m.
401 Moving past stigma: Creating
supportive environments for tenants
with mental health issues
Dominion Ballroom South, second floor
Meeting the different support needs of your
tenants requires different approaches. This
session will explore the realities of living with
mental health challenges, and what this means
for both tenants and housing providers. Learn
best practices and strategies for building
supportive environments for tenants experiencing
mental health challenges. Also, work through
realistic tenant scenarios to build your skills,
understanding and confidence in meeting
tenants’ needs.
Carol Major
, Property Service Manager,
Supportive Housing in Peel (SHIP)
Shereen Rampersad
, Central Intake Manager,
Supportive Housing in Peel (SHIP)
402 A beginner’s guide to pest
Huron, second floor
Are you implementing a new pest management
program? Do you need a refresher on the
basics of integrated pest management? Gain
knowledge from an industry veteran and start
your organization down the path to a sustainable
strategy for dealing with those invasive critters.
Richard Grotsch
, Manager, Integrated Pest
Management, Toronto Community Housing
403 Concepts and case studies:
Energy efficiency for non-profit
housing providers
Kent, second floor
Union Gas understands that to be green and stay
in the black, non-profit housing providers need
to closely monitor energy use, invest in energy
efficiency and take advantage of valuable rebates
and incentives. They are committed to helping
housing providers make positive environmental
choices, conserve energy and save money. This
session will identify new opportunities, showcase
success stories and discuss new technologies.
Scott Clark
, Marketing Specialist, Energy
Conservation and Low Income Marketing,
Union Gas Limited
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