506 End of debentures: Preparing for the
new world
Provincial Ballroom South, second floor
Federal providers are facing end of operating
agreements, provincial reformed providers have
upcoming end of mortgages, but Local
Housing Corporations (LHC), who are the former
provincial local housing authorities, face an end
as well – the end of debentures. Learn what
this means and how an LHC, another form of
a community-based non-profit, is coping and
evolving in a new world of housing administration
and funding.
Darlene Cook
, General Manager and CEO,
Peterborough Housing Corporation
Jim Steele
, CEO, Windsor Essex Community
Housing Corporation
507 The Hansen affordable housing
development journey
Kent, second floor
The Hansen Development is a community-based
housing initiative located in Brampton, owned by
Supportive Housing In Peel (SHIP). It is a 205-unit,
affordable housing tower built above two floors
of retail and commercial space conceptualized
and developed through collaboration between
SHIP and the Region of Peel. Join these
organizations as they discuss how teamwork
contributed to the success of this project, how
the model can be replicated, and the challenges
and opportunities it has created within the
Laurie Ridler
, Chief Executive Officer,
Supportive Housing In Peel (SHIP)
Sue Ritchie
, Manager, Human Services,
Region of Peel
Keith Ward
, Vice Chair, Board of Directors,
Supportive Housing In Peel (SHIP)
1:30–2:30 p.m.
504 How to support challenging tenants
Dominion Ballroom South, second floor
In addition to their core mandate of providing
affordable housing, today's non-profit housing
landlords are often faced with the need to create
a support network for tenants with complex
barriers to maintaining a successful tenancy.
These tenants may be fighting addiction,
navigating the mental health systems, and/or
engaging in dangerous or anti-social behaviours
such as stealing, lying or hoarding. Join Rainy
River District Women’s Shelter of Hope to learn
practical tips on how to effectively work with and
support challenging tenants.
Susan Hanson
, Transitional Housing and
Support Worker, Rainy River District Women’s
Shelter of Hope
Donna Kroocmo
, Executive Director, Rainy River
District Women’s Shelter of Hope
Bev O’Flaherty
, Maintenance, Rainy River District
Women’s Shelter of Hope
505 Are you developing affordable
housing? Learn the A-Zs with CMHC
Pine, mezzanine
Hear the latest information from the Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
about their Affordable Housing programs and
learn how they can help take your affordable
housing project from a vision to reality, including
how to access funding to help cover the soft costs
necessary to get you there. Also, gain knowledge
and information about new CMHC studies and
research material that includes: aging in place;
accessible and adaptable designs; and passive
housing design concepts. You won't want to miss
this session!
Janet Sikiric
, Consultant, Affordable Housing
Centre, CMHC
Jamie Shipley
, Consultant, Knowledge Transfer
and Outreach, CMHC Ontario Region
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