2016 ONPHA
1:30–2:30 p.m.
508 Promoting economic independence
through increased minimum rents
Maple, mezzanine
Minimum rents are a contentious topic in the
social housing sector. While minimum rents
help to keep housing affordable, there is some
concern that they may act as a disincentive
for tenants to find work. Keen to break the
intergenerational cycle of poverty and promote
economic independence, the San Diego
Housing Commission (SDHC) increased its
minimum rents and, simultaneously, extended
employment supports to tenants. Learn more
about the initiative, the outcomes that it’s
generated for both the Commission and tenants,
and lessons learned.
Stephanie Murphy
, Director of Workforce and
Economic Development,
SDHC Achievement Academy
Azucena Valladolid
, Vice President,
Rental Assistance Division, SDHC
Guy Arseneau
, Vice President, Tenant Services,
Ottawa Community Housing (moderator)
510 The new non-profit
Huron, second floor
The housing sector is facing old challenges and
new opportunities. This past year has brought
significant change to the context within which
housing providers are operating. The federal
government is back in the housing business,
the Province has published its Long-Term
Affordable Housing Strategy and municipalities
have new powers such as inclusionary zoning.
In Toronto, there are also potential changes in
how the current Toronto Community Housing
stock is dealt with. At the centre of it all is the
non-profit provider: does non-profit mean non-
entrepreneurial? Can non-profits grow bigger
and still deliver? How can that be financed? Is
some debt better than other debt? This panel
will discuss the context of these changes, what
non-profits can expect from lenders, and provide
examples of innovative approaches to financing
and development.
Daniel Bragagnolo
, Manager, Commercial
Mortgages, First National Financial LP
John Fox
, Solicitor, Robins Appleby LLP
LoriAnn Girvan
, Chief Operating Officer,
Artscape Inc.
1:30–4:30 p.m.
509 Planning for the future of permanent
supportive housing
Birchwood Ballroom, mezzanine
Permanent supportive housing ensures that many
vulnerable Ontarians have the support they need
to achieve stable, successful tenancies. It also
straddles three Provincial priority areas – health,
housing and homelessness – all of which are in
flux. Join fellow delegates and local and provincial
stakeholders for a discussion about the future of
Ontario’s permanent supportive housing sector
and help ONPHA identify priority areas for action
in 2017.
Sylvia Patterson,
Sylvia Patterson Consulting Inc.
Coffee break
2:30–3 p.m.
Located near session rooms
3–4 p.m.
601 Unit inspections: How, when and why?
Dominion Ballroom North, second floor
Unit inspections are important for preventative
maintenance and to ensure that your tenants
are following their leases. Learn the rules around
inspections, how to conduct them effectively and
what to do with the information you collect.
Emma Lander
, Coordinator, Member Services,
602 Creating a road map to affordable
housing development
Pine, mezzanine
Are you interested in developing new affordable
housing units? The City of Peterborough’s Road
Map for Housing Developers was created as
a step-by-step guide to assist inexperienced
property owners in developing multi-unit
residential properties, including creating a
business plan, various methods and style of
design/construction, the process and phases
of work, funding sources and more. Discover
how Peterborough’s Road Map can help drive
the creation of more affordable housing in your
Craig J. Adams
, C.E.T., rcsi,
Capital Planning Analyst, City of Peterborough
Katherine Blackwood
, CertCIH(Can),
AIHM, Property Management,
Kawartha Participations Projects